
About Us.

Our blog is to educate both health-care professionals AND clients. We all know that for a client to understand anything is with the proper education. Some blogs will be on studies and some are the basics on how each of our hospitals and/or communites handle the disease.

If health care professionals and clients in the community have proper education, we can have proper prevention principles in place.

Health care professionals know the basics about M.R.S.A, but

  • It is ignored for reason of:
    • They felt it is unnecessary
    • Acuity on the floor
  • A health care professional could be unaware of the client having the infection.
People in the community don't know about the spread of M.R.S.A.
  • Clients are unaware of how their specific kind of infection
  • Different sites of MRSA need different kind of preventive-spread care
  • People in the community can learn how to prevent getting the infection

Our blog members included with their responsibilities:
  • Amanda Caldwell- Blog manager and blogger
  • Andrea Humbert-  Researcher and blogger
  • Jerilyn Milligan- Researcher and blogger
  • Amber Pento- Researcher and blogger
The MRSA group:
  • Web design and layout

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